Donations and volunteerism help build a sense of community and support an environment where everyone has access to the resources they need. By working together, we can make sure The HUBB is well-resourced and equipped to provide the necessary support to Missouri City residents.

Donations are essential to running The HUBB. Without them, the center may not be able to provide vital services and resources such as food, clothing, and other necessities. By donating tax-deductible items like food or clothing, you can help ensure that those in need have access to basic needs.

Volunteering at The HUBB is also beneficial. The time and effort put in by volunteers make it possible for the center to provide programming, education opportunities, and other services that help people in the community become more self-sufficient.

Thank you for your generosity and willingness to help! Your donation will make a real difference in the lives of those who rely on The HUBB for support. Together, we can make sure our communities remain vibrant and resilient.

Are you ready to help us out?

Please check out the various way your can help:

To donate your time, please email us at We always have opportunities open for volunteers.

If you would like to contribute financially, please don’t hesitate to PayPal or CashApp us.

(See Below)

If you have food or clothing that you would like to donate, please email us at